
Canberra VFR Rider Gatherings Canberra Social events. Because were social sort of people down here.
  • Bob and Caths BBQ 6 photos One of the First Caver BBQ's Fantastic night was had at Bob and Caths place. Friday night before we headed off on the first Tintaldra Run. Bob and Caths BBQ
  • Cavers BBQ 4 photos At our place this time First Cavers BBQ we held at our place in Canberra. Cavers BBQ
  • Christmas at AB's 6 photos December 2004 Christmas at AB's place in Canberra. This man knows how to throw a party, AND brew beer! Christmas at AB's
  • Ab's Birthday Bash 6 photos 40 is a biggun AB's Birthday Extravaganza, including brilliant ride, what more could you ask for. Except for maybe not one, but two visits from the plod! Ab's Birthday Bash
  • BBQ @ AB's 12 photos December 2006 Cavers BBQ at AB's, seeing as Brent and Faye were down, but any excuse will do really. BBQ @ AB's
  • Huh? 0 comments - 4240 visits Huh?
  • The gang at Tharwa 0 comments - 4686 visits The gang at Tharwa